
Experimental project created by the community of MDB

"Airbnb" by Marcin Luczak


The most popular vacation rental online marketplace that offers arrangement for lodging, primarily homestays, or tourism experiences recreated in Material Design 2.0 using MDB 5.

The project includes two-column layout with advanced navigation of multiple media containers for presenting places to stay in area you can choose on interactive map.

Live demo & source code

From the creator, about the project:

Marcin Luczak

In my project, I wanted to reproduce the overall layout of Airbnb with browsing available hotels, basic functionalities such as dropdowns and buttons, and also give users the possibility to use the map with the pins. To my full happiness, I would only need to add some more custom responsiveness. Also, I would create a simple backend so I could fetch the hotel data from the server, integrate it with the geolocation, and dynamically render data on the map.

Overall, as a fresh member of the MDB Team, I am really impressed with how many things can be done with our components in such a short time. This project was a great opportunity to get to know our products better, step into our customers' shoes, and test what is good and what could be done better in our components.