eCommerce blocks - product list & grid

Collection of practical examples of product lists and product grids. These kinds of sections are necessary when creating listing pages and shop filters. You will find here solutions for all the possible use cases that can occur during creating eCommerce projects.

Basic example

The basic example of the product list, containing elements like badges, ratings, prices, titles, and subtitles.

Note: If you are using images with a colorful background you can also add shadows to them. In this example, we are adding a very subtle shadow by using MDB shadow utility class .shadow-4-soft.

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Strong shadows

For dark images, it's a good idea to use strong shadows. Otherwise, the shadows may be not visible due to weak contrast.

In this example, we are using strong shadows via .shadow-4-strong class.

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Transparent background

If you use product pictures with a transparent or white background you should avoid adding shadows. The contrast will be very strong and the entire composition can seem heavy.

Instead, you can add a subtle, yet clearly visible, hover effect like this nice, blue square in the example below.

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Background image

Ale the previous examples use img tags for displaying product pictures. It's the most popular solution and thanks to Bootstrap grid and utility classes like .w-100 or .img-fluid the entire composition is responsive and well looking on all the screen sizes.

However, this forces you to prepare your images before using them. You need to crop and scale them to the same ratio and height, otherwise, they will be displayed unevenly.

There is also an alternative way - creating wrappers with predefined height and setting images as a background. Thanks to this you don't need to worry about the exact size and ratio of your images, because thanks to the wrapper they will be aways displayed evenly.

Although very convenient, it can also backfire. You should define different heights for the wrappers on different screens, otherwise, you risk your images will be unexpectedly cropped. Use this solution carefully.

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Buttons "Add to cart"

There is a trend in eCommerce of removing unnecessary elements, so the composition can look lighter.

The victim of this approach is buttons, which are often removed from the listing pages. After all, nowadays we all know that we can click on the image of the product to see its details. We don't need a separate button for it.

Another argument for not using them is that customers rarely buy anything directly from the listing pages (so there is no need to add "add to cart" buttons on the listings). They want to read the details of the product so usually, they go to the specific product page and there they decide to purchase (or not) the product.

However, there are cases where buttons are still useful - for example, grocery shopping. These are often repetitive purchases of identical products, so you don't need to read the details of your favourite bananas every time you buys them. It's completely fine to buy directly from the listing page via "add to cart" button.

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Buttons "Add to wishlist"

Adding "Add to wishlist" buttons is a very popular and powerful idea to keep undecided customers close to your products. The most common usage is the "heart" icon.

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Buttons "Add to wishlist" on transparent background

You can use "Add to wishlist" buttons on the pictures with a transparent background and it still looks good.

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If you want to emphasize the contrast between the products you can stylize them as cards.

In the example below, we are using shadow utilities and some extra padding to create cards.

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Border radius modifications

You can easily modify border-radius if you want to increase or decrease its size.

Angular corners can give the impression of being "more serious", which can give a better reception in the case of luxury items, for example.

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4 items

If you have more space, instead of 3 you can use 4 items.

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With line price

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With color swatches

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