
Bootstrap 5 Scrollbar

Scrollbar method which allows you to create a custom scrollbar.

Note: Read the API tab to find all available options and advanced customization

Basic example

Scrollbar is initialized automatically when you add data-mdb-perfect-scrollbar='true' attribute to your container.



JavaScript init

You can easily init scrollbar with JavaScript. You have to invoke mdb.PerfectScrollbar() and include options with in that.


Data attributes

You can easily init scrollbar with options with data-mdb-attributes. You have to add data-mdb-perefect-scrollbar to your wrapper. If you want add options with data-mdb-attr you have to add for example data-mdb-suppress-scroll-x='true' to your cointaier. .


Colors example

Scrollbar's thumb and rail's colors can be customized with simple CSS. Use class that describes the element of Scrollbar you would like to edit: .ps__rail-y, .ps__rail-x, .ps__thumb-y, .ps__thumb-x



PerfectScrollbar dispatches custom events.

  • ScrollX
  • ScrollY
  • ScrollUp
  • ScrollDown
  • ScrollLeft
  • ScrollRight
  • ScrollXEnd
  • ScrollYEnd
  • ScrollXStart
  • ScrollYStart




Via data attributes

        <div data-mdb-perfect-scrollbar="true" data-mdb-handlers="click-rail"
          style="position: relative; width: 600px; height: 400px;">
          <img src="" alt="..." style="height: 700px; width: 1000px;" />

Via JavaScript

        var myPs = new mdb.PerfectScrollbar(document.getElementById('myPsID'), options)

Via jQuery

Note: By default, MDB does not include jQuery and you have to add it to the project on your own.



Name Type Default Description
handlers String[] ['click-rail', 'drag-thumb', 'keyboard', 'wheel', 'touch'] It is a list of handlers to scroll the element.
wheelSpeed Number 1 The scroll speed applied to mousewheel event.
wheelPropagation Boolean true If this option is true, when the scroll reaches the end of the side, mousewheel event will be propagated to parent element.
swipeEasing Boolean true If this option is true, swipe scrolling will be eased.
minScrollbarLength Boolean null When set to an integer value, the thumb part of the scrollbar will not shrink below that number of pixels.
maxScrollbarLength Boolean null When set to an integer value, the thumb part of the scrollbar will not expand over that number of pixels.
scrollingThreshold Number 1000 This sets threshold for ps--scrolling-x and ps--scrolling-y classes to remain. In the default CSS, they make scrollbars shown regardless of hover state. The unit is millisecond.
suppressScrollX Boolean false When set to true, the scrollbar in X-axis will not be available, regardless of the content width.
suppressScrollY Boolean false When set to true, the scroll bar in Y-axis will not be available, regardless of the content height.
scrollXMarginOffset Number 0 The number of pixels the content width can surpass the container width without enabling the X-axis scroll bar. Allows some "wiggle room" or "offset break", so that X-axis scroll bar is not enabled just because of a few pixels.
scrollYMarginOffset Number 0 The number of pixels the content width can surpass the container width without enabling the X-axis scroll bar. Allows some "wiggle room" or "offset break", so that X-axis scroll bar is not enabled just because of a few pixels.


Name Description Example
dispose Destroy ps myPs.dispose()
getInstance Static method which allows you to get the perfect scrollbar instance associated to a DOM element. PerfectScrollbar.getInstance(myPs)
update Update ps myPs.update()

        var myPs = document.getElementById('myPsID')
        var ps = new mdb.PerfectScrollbar(myPs)


Name Description This event fires when the x-axis is scrolled in either direction.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when the y-axis is scrolled in either direction.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling upwards.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling downwards.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling to the left.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling to the right.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling to the left.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling to the right.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling reaches the start of the y-axis.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling reaches the start of the x-axis.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling reaches the end of the x-axis.

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...

Name Description This event fires when scrolling reaches the end of the y-axis (useful for infinite scroll).

        var myPs = document.getElementById('element-id')
        myPs.addEventListener('', (e) => {
          // do something...


MDB UI KIT also works with module bundlers. Use the following code to import this component:

        import { PerfectScrollbar } from 'mdb-ui-kit';