MDB Pro Vue

MDB 5 - Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0

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Top reviews
Kevin Pierce

The streaming server-side rendering capability was one of the reasons why I chose this UI Kit. It makes building a beautiful user interface with MDB Vue really easy. In time, I appreciate your documentation, which is clear and well described!

Clark Yates

The support is just great here. I was able to find answers to the questions bothering me right away. Besides, the UI Kit did not cause me major problems that could slow down my work.

Robin Mann

The addons you made especially for Vue are great. Sometimes I have the impression that the page loads a little longer, but this is not wasted time because thanks to MDB Vue I save a lot of it anyway

Pam Carson

I love it because you not only offer beautifully styled-components but also give you the flexibility to customize them. I’ve been playing with the Vue version for a while and advanced components are simply irreplaceable and the possibility of adjusting the layout gave me unlimited possibilities for my project <3

Latest reviews
Marvin Edwards

I only looked for tables but stayed. Until I did not know that MDB exists I was really uphill with design, but since then a lot has changed & all my website elements are created without the slightest effort.

Felipe Weber

Thanks a lot, MDB Team. You rock!

Rosalie Brady

It changed my frontend coding life :d I’ve made great progress since working with MDB Vue

Charlie Richardson

It is noticeable that you are fixing all the shortcomings and bugs reported by the community on the support. This is perhaps the greatest value of this project.