MDB Pro React

MDB 5 - Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0

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Top reviews
Henry Martin

React Plugins are one of my favorite things here and I can’t imagine not working with them. My clients appreciate the change I have made with MDB.

Beverly Garza

Fantastic! I have been a user for a very long time and the tool has made fantastic progress. The number of components is overwhelming, and their use is effortless. Thank you MDB

Carmelo Mccutcheon

I have made great progress thanks to this UI kit. I copied most of the code from the examples on MDB onto the website and didn’t even have to play around with major changes because everything fit perfectly.

Latest reviews
Tomás Esteves

The product works flawlessly

Luca Plogmann

I built some production apps out of it! It works great and is easy to implement

Claudia Zornoza

I use React Kit all the time and it’s convenient, only some features are missing.

Vladimirs Serbins

Code quality, excellent design, very easy to implement 🙂

Alix Brodin

React admin theme looks nice & they work right after adding a page <3

Adam Orfila

Absolutely love it!

Nikita Naumov

Thank you MDB 🙂

Samir Nabi

Professional approach to the customer and frequent updates of the package convinced me to buy.

Anne Casalmer

React is one of the most popular frameworks and it’s a shame that you are so hard to find because you do a great job.

Casey Thompson

Highly recommended!