Topic: Php form validation
Hi, How to add to contact form server side php validation to prevent user from entering url and html tags in textarea?
Bartłomiej Malanowski
staff pro premium answered 6 years ago
This one should work:
if (preg_match('#^<.>.+</.>$#', $_POST['content'])) {
echo "Content cannot contain HTML Tags!";
if (strpos($_POST['content'], 'http') !== false || strpos($_POST['content'], 'https://') !== false) {
echo "Content cannot contain URL!";
demzl25 pro premium priority commented 6 years ago
I have put this line of code to my (mail.php) but is not working! Here is my (php) code.
'Prosim izpolnite zahtevana polja', 'code' => 0)); exit(); } if ($email === ''){ print json_encode(array('message' => 'Prosim izpolnite zahtevana polja', 'code' => 0)); exit(); } else { if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ print json_encode(array('message' => 'Vaš e-mail vsebuje nedovoljene znake', 'code' => 0)); exit(); } } if ($phone === ''){ print json_encode(array('numeric' => 'Prosim izpolnite zahtevana polja', 'code' => 0)); exit(); } if ($message === ''){ print json_encode(array('message' => 'Prosim izpolnite zahtevana polja', 'code' => 0)); exit(); } if (preg_match('#^.+$#', $_POST['content'])) { echo "Content cannot contain HTML Tags!"; } if (strpos($_POST['content'], 'http') !== false || strpos($_POST['content'], 'https://') !== false) { echo "Content cannot contain URL!"; } $content="From: $name \nEmail: $email \nMessage: $message \nPhone: $phone"; $recipient = ""; $mailheader = "Sporocilo: $email \r\n"; $email_subject ='Regresija-hipnoza'; // Format maila: mail(to,subject,message,headers,parameters); // ---> V primeru da pustiš nekaj praznega mail(to,'',sporocilo,header, parameter) mail($recipient,$mailheader,$content) or die("Napaka!"); header("location:"); exit(); ?>Thanks.
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium commented 6 years ago
You need to replace $_POST['content'] with the real string in your code
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