Modal Class modal-dialog-scrollable not working

Topic: Modal Class modal-dialog-scrollable not working

sohamlite pro premium priority asked a year ago

Modal form should scroll.

Modal for is fixed and other contents are invisible and modal is not scrolling.

When entire modal html is under form tag including header and footer, modal form is not scrolling. It is working fine when tag is removed.`

`chargesmodal works!


Charges Brokerage Exchange Charges Clearing Charges --> Stamp Duty Sebi Charges STT Charges IGST/UGST CGST SGST Investor Protection Fund Other Charges Ronding Off Close Save Charges

`import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';import { MdbModalRef } from 'mdb-angular-ui-kit/modal';import { AbstractControl, FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

import { CMTransaction } from '../../../model/cmtransaction'

@Component({ selector: 'app-chargesmodal', templateUrl: './chargesmodal.component.html', styleUrls: ['./chargesmodal.component.scss']})export class ChargesmodalComponent implements OnInit {

charges: CMTransaction = new CMTransaction(); validationForm!: FormGroup;

constructor(public modalRef: MdbModalRef) { }

ngOnInit(): void { this.validationForm = new FormGroup({ brokerage: new FormControl(this.charges.brokerage, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), exchangeCharges: new FormControl(this.charges.exchangeCharges, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), clearingCharges: new FormControl(this.charges.clearingCharges, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), stampDuty: new FormControl(this.charges.stampDuty, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), regulatoryCharges: new FormControl(this.charges.regulatoryCharges, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), governmentTax1: new FormControl(this.charges.governmentTax1, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), governmentTax2: new FormControl(this.charges.governmentTax2, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), governmentTax3: new FormControl(this.charges.governmentTax3, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), governmentTax4: new FormControl(this.charges.governmentTax4, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), otherCharges1: new FormControl(this.charges.otherCharges1, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), otherCharges2: new FormControl(this.charges.otherCharges2, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]), otherCharges3: new FormControl(this.charges.otherCharges3, [Validators.required, Validators.min(-0.99), Validators.max(0.99)]),



get brokerage(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('brokerage')!; } get exchangeCharges(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('exchangeCharges')!; } get clearingCharges(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('clearingCharges')!; } get stampDuty(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('stampDuty')!; } get regulatoryCharges(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('regulatoryCharges')!; } get governmentTax1(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('governmentTax1')!; } get governmentTax2(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('governmentTax2')!; } get governmentTax3(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('governmentTax3')!; } get governmentTax4(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('governmentTax4')!; } get otherCharges1(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('otherCharges1')!; } get otherCharges2(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('otherCharges2')!; } get otherCharges3(): AbstractControl { return this.validationForm.get('otherCharges3')!; }

onSaveCharges() { this.validationForm.markAllAsTouched();

this.charges.brokerage = +this.validationForm.controls["brokerage"].value;
this.charges.exchangeCharges = +this.validationForm.controls["exchangeCharges"].value;
this.charges.clearingCharges = +this.validationForm.controls["clearingCharges"].value;
this.charges.stampDuty = +this.validationForm.controls["stampDuty"].value;
this.charges.regulatoryCharges = +this.validationForm.controls["regulatoryCharges"].value;
this.charges.governmentTax1 = +this.validationForm.controls["governmentTax1"].value;
this.charges.governmentTax2 = +this.validationForm.controls["governmentTax2"].value;
this.charges.governmentTax3 = +this.validationForm.controls["governmentTax3"].value;
this.charges.governmentTax4 = +this.validationForm.controls["governmentTax4"].value;
this.charges.otherCharges1 = +this.validationForm.controls["otherCharges1"].value;
this.charges.otherCharges2 = +this.validationForm.controls["otherCharges2"].value;
this.charges.otherCharges3 = +this.validationForm.controls["otherCharges3"].value;



onModalClose() { this.modalRef.close(this.charges); }

} // Called as under onAddCharges() { this.modalRef =, { containerClass: 'bottom', modalClass: 'modal-dialog-scrollable', data: { charges: this.trackCharges }, });

this.modalRef.onClose.subscribe((charges: CMTransaction) => {
  this.trackCharges = charges;


`enter image description here

Rafał Seifert commented a year ago

Could you please edit your post and provide sample code how you implement your modal? Please provide html and ts code if possible so we can recreate your case.

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented a year ago

Rendering an additional form element before the modal content probably causes problems with the correct styling of our component. Have you tried moving the form element to the modal body, where the form controls are?

sohamlite pro premium priority commented a year ago

Right! When we add form under modal body it is working. However, our goal is that submit button should be always visible and should not scroll. To achieve this we have to keep form tag at highest level. Can you suggest alternate way to achieve our goal?

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented a year ago

In this case you should have access to the current validationForm values in the component TS file. Thanks to that you don't need to rely on ngSubmit output. Instead of that you can just create a custom submit method and attach this method directly to the button (click) event

sohamlite pro premium priority commented a year ago

Right! Thank you for suggestion.

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: MDB5 5.2.0
  • Device: Desktop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows 11
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No