Topic: Which version of Bootstrap is MDBVue 5.0.0 based on?
Hi There,
I don't see a version of Bootstrap noted in the changelog. Please could you confirm which version/release of Bootstrap is used in this release?
Thanks, Luke
Bartosz Cylwik
staff answered 11 months ago
Hi! We didn't update the bootstrap version in the 5.0.0 release. The bootstrap version should be 5.2.3
luc122c pro premium priority commented 11 months ago
Oh, i'm suprised Bootstrap wasn't bumped as part of this major version. Thank you for confirming the current version.
5.2.3 was released in November 2022, 17 months ago. When should we expect a Bootstrap update?
Bartosz Cylwik staff commented 11 months ago
I'm sorry we do not have an ETA at this moment
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