Profile Image in Navbar

Topic: Profile Image in Navbar

Gary Woodfine pro asked 5 years ago

Apologies I am not much of a UI guy and currently struggling to get a something working as it should.

I am trying to create a NavBar which will contain an image of the logged in user. Similar to the one provided as an example in the docs. There is no explanation in the docs in how to achieve this.

enter image description here

I am currently trying using the following code

    <mdb-navbar position="top" color="orange" scrolling class="navbar-light lighten-5">
        <mdb-navbar-brand href="" target="_blank">
            <img alt="SourceLink" height="60" src="../../public/img/logo.png"/>

            <mdb-navbar-nav right>

                    <mdb-dropdown-toggle slot="toggle" navlink tag="li" class="nav-item avatar" waves-fixed>
                        <mdb-icon icon="user-circle" v-if="!loggedIn"/>
                        <mdb-avatar v-else>
                            <img alt="profile-image" class="rounded-circle"
                                 :src="profile_image" style="width: 45px;"/>
                        <mdb-dropdown-item :to="{ name: 'profile' }" v-if="loggedIn"> Profile</mdb-dropdown-item>
                        <mdb-dropdown-item :to="{ name: 'login' }" v-if="!loggedIn"> Login</mdb-dropdown-item>
                        <mdb-dropdown-item @click="logout" v-else>Log Out</mdb-dropdown-item>



but the result when logging tends to turn out pretty bad enter image description here

Do I need to add some additional styles? and I am using the right components?

Magdalena Dembna staff premium answered 5 years ago

As for now we don't have an example in Vue regarding avatar dropdowns - but you can try this code snippet:

<mdb-navbar expand="large" dark color="purple">
  <mdb-navbar-brand href="#">Navbar</mdb-navbar-brand>
      <mdb-nav-item href="#" active>Home</mdb-nav-item>
      <mdb-nav-item href="#">Link</mdb-nav-item>
      <mdb-nav-item class="disabled" href="#">Disabled</mdb-nav-item>
      <mdb-dropdown tag="li" class="nav-item">
        <mdb-dropdown-toggle tag="a" navLink color="stylish" slot="toggle" waves-fixed>Dropdown</mdb-dropdown-toggle>
          <mdb-dropdown-item>Another action</mdb-dropdown-item>
          <mdb-dropdown-item>Something else here</mdb-dropdown-item>
    <mdb-navbar-nav right>
        <mdb-icon icon="envelope" />
      <mdb-dropdown tag="li" class="nav-item avatar" anchorClass="p-0">
        <mdb-dropdown-toggle tag="a" navLink color="stylish" slot="toggle" waves-fixed>
            class="rounded-circle z-depth-0"
            alt="avatar image"
          <mdb-dropdown-item>Another action</mdb-dropdown-item>
          <mdb-dropdown-item>Something else here</mdb-dropdown-item>

Gary Woodfine pro answered 5 years ago

Awesome thanks! That helped a lot and I see where I went wrong.

I have fixed it now and it's working as expected.

I just have one last issue which I am unable to resolve. I am trying to remove the Square background from my image. I can't seem to identify the CSS class that does this.

Do you know which one I can apply? enter image description here

My updated code is as follows

<mdb-navbar class="navbar-light lighten-5 flexible-navbar" color="orange" expand="large" position="top" scrolling>
    <mdb-navbar-brand href="" target="_blank">
        <img alt="SourceLink" class="img-fluid" height="60" src="../../public/img/logo.png"/>
        <mdb-navbar-nav right>
            <mdb-nav-item :to="{ name: 'login' }" v-if="!loggedIn"  waves-fixed>Login</mdb-nav-item>
            <mdb-dropdown anchorClass="p-0" class="nav-item avatar z-depth-0" tag="li" v-else  waves-fixed>
                <mdb-dropdown-toggle navlink slot="toggle" tag="a">
                    <img :src="profile_image" alt="avatar image"
                    <mdb-dropdown-item :to="{ name: 'profile' }"> Profile</mdb-dropdown-item>
                    <mdb-dropdown-item @click="logout">Log Out</mdb-dropdown-item>

Magdalena Dembna staff premium commented 5 years ago

Add z-depth-0 class to your img as in example shown in my preview post - this should remove shadow-box.

Gary Woodfine pro commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I tried that but it doesn't seem to have an effect.

is this a scoped css class that I am missing, or is it a bootstrap?

Magdalena Dembna staff premium commented 5 years ago

Have you tried adding it to img instead of mdb-dropdown? It's global MDB CSS class.

Gary Woodfine pro commented 5 years ago

I managed to fix it! I had a small bug in that I had actually applied a navlink , when the style should have been camel cased navLink , so the styles were not being applied, once I fixed that it all worked as expected and applying z-depth-0 to the img

Thanks for helping out!

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: 5.6.0
  • Device: web
  • Browser: chrome
  • OS: ubuntu
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No