Topic: MDBVUE PRO - .NET MVC project
Nestor GIL
asked 5 years ago
Hi, I bought you a VUE PRO license recently. I need to incorporate it into a .NET project. I need the mdb.min.js of the pro version, I can't find it. I have only downloaded one zip file, for any other you ask me to pay again. I can't access the pro version of the Builder, it always sends me to buy what I have already bought. Please I need the download link of the mdb.min.js pro version, I cannot use the PRO components in my project. My project has now the free version and works fine ( Best regards,
Nestor GIL
answered 5 years ago
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Nestor GIL
answered 5 years ago
a little mistake!!
I could use Visual Studio 2019 .NET core 3.1 MVC and MBD VUE PRO
Magdalena Dembna
staff premium answered 5 years ago
First of all, MDB Builder Pro and MDB Pro are two separate products and one does not provide access to the other. You've imported jQuery version in your project as far and you're using tits syntax - are you sure the MDB Vue Pro is what you had in mind? If so, read the guide here: to add MDB Vue to your project (either with CDN or Vue CLI) and get to know our Vue components - for example, you can find MDB Vue Navbar docs here:
Kind regards, Magdalena
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- Technology: MDB Vue
- MDB Version: 6.5.0
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- OS: windows
- Provided sample code: No
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