how can i call method on click events in mdb vue calendar

Topic: how can i call method on click events in mdb vue calendar

modadvisor asked 2 years ago

i am trying to call my method on each event click but i dont know how to put click event in calendar component.

i just tried like this way but its not working

mdb-calendar :events="events" @click="handleEvents"

Mateusz Trochonowicz staff pro premium priority answered 2 years ago

Hi! In MDB4 our main focus is on bug fixing - feature requests are acceptable in newer version, MDB5. In addition this component is PRO but in our system your status is free.

Keep coding!

modadvisor commented 2 years ago

no i mean i am using your bootsrap 4 version and i want to call event in bootstrap 4 only i do not request you to use bootstrap 5.

i just need to know how i can put code so it calls method on click ?

modadvisor commented 2 years ago

also i have already purchased paid plugin pack you can see in my account. thanks

Mateusz Trochonowicz staff pro premium priority commented 2 years ago

But if this was a bug back then, that you are not able to download the newest code (check out our subscription pricing -

For now check v-on:click="handleEvents".

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: MDB4 6.7.3
  • Device: pc
  • Browser: chrome
  • OS: windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No