Topic: FadeOut card and hide it
what is the best way to hide a card with a fade-out effect?
I tried following code:
<mdb-card class="promoting-card mb-4"
v-touch:swipe.left="accept" v-touch:swipe.right="cancel"
v-bind:class="{ 'bg-success': accepted, 'bg-danger': canceled, 'animated fadeOut': !show }"
<mdb-card-body class="d-flex flex-row pb-0">
<img src="../assets/logo_rund.svg" class="rounded-circle mr-3"
height="50px" width="50px" alt="avatar"/>
<mdb-card-title class="font-weight-bold mb-2">Title...</mdb-card-title>
<mdb-icon far icon="clock" class="pr-2"/>
<mdb-card-body class="pb-2">
My text...
But with the v-show="show" the card hides directly without the fade-out animation.
Without the v-show I see the fade-out-effect but the hidden card still blocks the place.
So what is the right/best way to solve it? Hope you understand and can help me with this.
Best regards,
Mikołaj Smoleński
staff answered 5 years ago
To build custom fadeIn/fadeOut animations we strongly recommend using Vue build-in transitions. Here's the guide:
Please read it carefully and let us know if You have any problems with that issue.
Best regards
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