Disable Table Editor Delete Button

Topic: Disable Table Editor Delete Button

bernspe pro premium priority asked 11 months ago

Expected behavior It should be possible to have the option to omit the trash button. Actual behavior It is only possible to get change+trash button in a Table Editor row Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

Bartosz Cylwik staff answered 11 months ago

Hi! Thank you for the feature request! You can hide the button with use of css. Simply add display:none to the .delete-button element:

.delete-button {
  display: none;

We will also discuss, whether we should add an option / a prop that would handle this functionality.

bernspe pro premium priority commented 11 months ago

Where should I put this directive? If I put it in the style section of the component like

.delete-button { display: none;}

there is no effect.

Bartosz Cylwik staff commented 11 months ago

Either inside your css file or in the style section of the vue component. Do not add the scoped attribute to the style element, because it won't work then.

If it still does not work, check whether other styles are beeing applied to the component. Inspect the delete button and check whether the display styles are beeing added or try to create other selector that would fit there. Are you using the 2.2.0 version of the table editor?

bernspe pro premium priority commented 11 months ago

Yeah. Removed the scoped and it worked. Thanks!

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: -
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No