WYSIWYG editor control translation not working

Topic: WYSIWYG editor control translation not working

namcosym pro premium priority asked 2 years ago

MDBootstrap WYSIWYG Editor

MDBootstrap.com © 2020


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<script src="~/lib/MDB5_pro/mdb.min.js"></script>
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    window.onload = function () {

        var wysiwygElement = document.getElementsByClassName('wysiwyg')[0];
        var wysiwygInstance = new WYSIWYG(wysiwygElement, {
            translations: {
                paragraph: '段落',
                textStyle: '字型樣式',
                heading: '標題',
                preformatted: '預格式化',
                bold: '粗體',
                italic: '斜體',
                strikethrough: '刪除線',
                underline: '下劃線',
                textcolor: '字體顏色',
                textBackgroundColor: '字體背景色',
                alignLeft: '靠左',
                alignCenter: '置中',
                alignRight: '靠右',
                alignJustify: '對齊',
                insertLink: '插入鏈接',
                insertPicture: '插入圖片',
                unorderedList: '分數列表',
                orderedList: '編號列表',
                increaseIndent: '增加縮進',
                decreaseIndent: '減少縮進',
                insertHorizontalRule: '插入水平線',
                showHTML: '顯示 HTML 代碼',
                undo: '撤消',
                redo: '恢復',
                addLinkHead: '添加鏈接',
                addImageHead: '添加圖片',
                linkUrlLabel: '輸入網址:',
                linkDescription: '輸入描述',
                imageUrlLabel: '請輸入圖片網址:',
                okButton: '確定',
                cancelButton: '取消',
                moreOptions: '顯示更多選項',

mlazaru staff answered 2 years ago

There is an error in translation example in the documentation, im going to fix it.

Use wysiwygTranslations instead of translations.


Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 6.2.0
  • Device: Visual Studio 2022
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • OS: Windows11
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No