where is .lazy class defined?

Topic: where is .lazy class defined?

vishal-2sigma pro premium priority asked 3 years ago

Expected behavior Expected to find the definition of lazy, data-mdb-lazy-src, etc.

Actual behavior Can't find .lazy or data-mdb-lazy-src references in the standard mdbootstrap download.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

vishal-2sigma pro premium priority answered 3 years ago

For additional context ... this is to support Lazy Loading of images and videos as described here: https://mdbootstrap.com/docs/standard/methods/lazy-loading/

Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago

data-mdb-lazy-src attribute value defines the source of an element, it takes a string, an url of your image

.lazy is the selector by which the Lazy Load will do its job

For further reference visit the API Tab https://mdbootstrap.com/docs/standard/methods/lazy-loading/#docsTabsAPI

vishal-2sigma pro premium priority answered 3 years ago


Happy New Year!

Sorry about being less clear -- my question was that I don't see definitions of these selector / attributes in the .css files that I use for my MDBootstrap subscription and therefore, unable to troubleshoot why my code doesn't work.

Do I need to include additional .css or .js files on my pages for these to work?

Thank you.

-- Vishal

Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago


Happy New Year!

Lazy Loading is defined in the JavaScript. If you're working with a module bundler, than

import { LazyLoad } from 'mdb-ui-kit';

should work just fine.

If you wish to look at the script responsible for lazy loading and you've installed ui kit with npm, you can take a look at it in the node_modules folder at the directory of:


To make debugging less troublesome, could you please tell me what unwanted behaviour are you experiencing? Are there any errors in the console?

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 3.10.1
  • Device: Mac
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: MacOS
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No
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