Topic: Tooltips Disappear when using DataTables
I have a tooltip in a datatable which works only when the page first loads.
However any change made to the data table (ex sorting or searching) causes the tooltip to disappear.
I tried re-initializing the tooltip (code below) but that didn't work.
function reinitializeToolTips(){
const tooltips = document.querySelectorAll('[data-mdb-toggle="tooltip"]')
tooltips.forEach((tooltip) => {
const tooltipInstance = new mdb.Tooltip(tooltip);
Is there a way to ensure the tooltips can automatically be re-enabled (re-initialized) after a change is made to the table?
Thank you
kpienkowska staff answered 3 years ago
I've updated your snippet to demonstrate how you can reinitiate tooltip:
kpienkowska staff answered 3 years ago
I am not sure what you use the tooltip for so I am not sure how can I help. Can you show your current datatable in snippet?
For now, I can only say that if initializing works at first you can watch when datatable render and after every event render initiate tooltip.
yorkmyers pro premium priority answered 3 years ago
Can you please provide code to watch for a datatable render?
Thank you!
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