Topic: select cannot select blank option
Alistair Wilson
pro premium priority asked 2 years ago
Expected behavior
Should be able to select the blank item after having another item selected from the server. It's important blank item work with validation still and trigger required when selected.
Actual behavior
Last option gets displayed in the select control instead of blank
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
staff answered 2 years ago
The solution is to put something as value. Then you can validate the value since it is not empty. Here is your example adjusted:
Alistair Wilson pro premium priority commented 2 years ago
The trouble with that solution is that the validation passes however no value was selected
kpienkowska staff commented 2 years ago
You need to add a javascript that will assess "blank" as invalid.
Alistair Wilson pro premium priority commented 2 years ago
How do I get the validation to show then, since the control seems to have it's own?
Alistair Wilson
pro premium priority answered 2 years ago
Just adding this css fixed the issue I was having.
.select-fake-value { visibility: hidden; }
ochicaud pro premium priority commented 2 years ago
this tip works. but I hope it's just a temporary patch. There is definitely a bug. this bug is still here 06 dec 2022, mdb v 6.0.1
if selected is not used, we can select the blank option if selected is used, we can not select the blank option
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