ReferenceError: mdb is not defined

Topic: ReferenceError: mdb is not defined

Kirsten Andersen Morris pro premium asked 3 years ago

Expected behavior I am attempting to make the autocomplete component work. I have the autocomplete box showing and can enter into it, but no dropdown options are appearing. I am getting the uncaught ReferenceError: mdb is not defined. I'm building with django/python.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

I believe I've made an error in adding mdb to my project, but I haven't been able to resolve it. Here is what I have.

<!-- Font Awesome --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <!-- Google Fonts Roboto --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=";400;500;700;900&display=swap" /> <!-- MDB --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/mdb.min.css' %}" /> <!-- MDB --> <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/mdb.min.js' %}"></script>

Kirsten Andersen Morris pro premium answered 3 years ago

No, I have the MDB script at the bottom, just like in the index.html file. The only change I made was adding the django static code. I also tried putting the autocomplete into the index.html body and it still didn't work.


<div id="customItem" class="form-outline mx-5 mb-2" data-mdb-list-height="290">
        <input type="text" id="form14" class="form-control" />
        <label class="form-label" for="form1">Find Item</label>


<script type="text/javascript">
const customItemAutocomplete = document.querySelector('#customItem');
const data = [
{ title: 'One', subtitle: 'Secondary text' },
{ title: 'Two', subtitle: 'Secondary text' },
{ title: 'Three', subtitle: 'Secondary text' },
{ title: 'Four', subtitle: 'Secondary text' },
{ title: 'Five', subtitle: 'Secondary text' },
{ title: 'Six', subtitle: 'Secondary text' },
const dataFilter = (value) => {
return data.filter((item) => {
    return item.title.toLowerCase().startsWith(value.toLowerCase());

new mdb.Autocomplete(customItem, {
filter: dataFilter,
displayValue: (value) => value.title,
itemContent: (result) => {
    return `
    <div class="autocomplete-custom-item-content">
        <div class="autocomplete-custom-item-title">${result.title}</div>
        <div class="autocomplete-custom-item-subtitle">${result.subtitle}</div>

I'm getting the box and it is responsive but no autocomplete suggestions show up when typing.

kpienkowska staff answered 3 years ago

I am guessing that you have our package linked with font and icon packages in the head of your HTML file. You need to link the mdb package at the end of body in your HTML file. An example is shown in index.htm file in the package.

Kirsten Andersen Morris pro premium commented 3 years ago

The script isn't in the head, the only changes I made to the index.html is adding the static django code. Please see my above comment.

kpienkowska staff answered 3 years ago

Your code copied to snippet works well. So there is no problem with implementation. There must be something wrong with the way you link our package. You either used the wrong syntax or you declared the wrong path to the file. Maybe consult this Stack Overflow thread for more information:

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 4.3.0
  • Device: iMac Pro
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: iOS
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No