Topic: Mimicking craigslist "sites" page
Andrew Ford
pro premium priority asked 3 years ago
I'm trying to mimic craigslist's "site" page (
), where it lists all countries -> states -> cities.
<div class="row row-cols-4">
is a start, but my list becomes;
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas ... etc...
Instead of;
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona etc...
I tried to add .flex-column
to the div, but it cancels out .row-cols-4
and creates a single column. Is this a bug?
So, my question is --- how can I turn this into a 4 column list where in the US I would have the states Alabama - Idaho in one column, states Illinois - Missouri in a 2nd column... then the last 26 states equally split in the remaining 2 columns?
By the way, I am creating county/state/city tables in the database for all of this.
Dawid Wajszczuk
staff answered 3 years ago
You can simply put every 13 states into a div
and then row row-cols-4
will work. Here is the snippet:
Keep coding,
Andrew Ford
pro premium priority answered 3 years ago
That would look great for large screens (and look like there is a masonry effect). The lists would look uneven on smaller screens, with the exception of viewing on the phone when it all needs to become a single column.
All the lists are coming from the database;
- all 7 countries/regions,
- all states/countries in each region,
- and all the cities/local regions per state/country
Dawid Wajszczuk staff commented 3 years ago
So do you need any other help? Maybe this wil help (or other sections such as Flexbox, Columns)
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