Topic: MDBootstrap 5.0 release notes?
pro premium priority asked 3 years ago
Hi there
I see MDBootstrap version 5.0 is available :-) However I cannot see any release notes? I checked
It would be good to understand what changed in this release.
As a side note, I make heavy use of Web Components - and cannot find much about MDBootstrap support for Web Components. It would also be good to understand your position on support for this web technology. For example would you consider releasing some of your components as web components -which developers could extend in some way?
Many thanks and keep up the good work
Chris Lennon
pro premium priority answered 3 years ago
Grzegorz Bujański
answered 3 years ago
Link you gave is a link to jQ MDB4 changelog. You need to use the link sent by gianlucagiacometti
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