Topic: Lazyloading : deal with responsive images
pro premium asked 4 years ago
Hello, I recently bought the MDB5 pro to regroup under the same banner what I previously found using many many plugins.
For the lazyloading of images, I'm coming from lazysizes.
I wonder how to handle responsive images with your lazyloading plugin. With lazysizes, I used to use the data-srcset attribute and the data-sizes="auto" to let the plugin calculate the right image for the right viewport automatically.
How can I do that with your lazyloading plugin ? I only find example to lazyload a simple unique image.
Thank you
Grzegorz Bujański
answered 4 years ago
At the moment there is no such possibility. I will add this to our ideas board and maybe one day we will add it.
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- User: Pro
- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB Standard
- MDB Version: 3.2.0
- Device: PC
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: windows
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No