Installing MDB 5 PRO via npm - cannot get a token.

Topic: Installing MDB 5 PRO via npm - cannot get a token.

Wojciech Marciniak asked 5 years ago

*Expected behavior*I just click a link I've received from Gitlab and have access to the repo and may generate a new token to install MDB 5 via npm.

*Actual behavior*As I click a link in a message I'v received from Gitlab, I expect to go directly to the repo and can generate a new token (I'v got one but it was used for MDB 4, I guess MDB 5 uses another repo - "...essential). Surprisingly I'm asked to sign in and none of my previous credentials work. How to get there?

Does my license actually include MDB 5?

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

MDBootstrap staff pro premium priority answered 5 years ago


The support forum is dedicated to technical questions.

All questions regarding MDB licensing, products, partnerships and other non-technical queries - it should be asked directly to

I will help you in that case because I don't want to hold you any longer but please write directly to contact next time :)

Your license doesn't include MDB5 - first and foremost you have an Angular license and the Bootstrap 5 version for Angular hasn't even been released yet :)

Best regards

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: 1.0.0
  • Device: any
  • Browser: any
  • OS: any
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No