Topic: Export datatable to Excel
I'm trying to export data from datatable. Anyway all export methods I found rely on id of table. So when I add id to table it does not work, returns null when referencing. If I delete upper div with class="datatable" then it works. So question how to add id to table when using datatable or how to get data from it ?Does class="datatable" prevent to add id of table inside ?
<div class="datatable">
<table class="table" id="myTable">
mlazaru staff answered 2 years ago
I think it does not really 'prevent' from adding an id to the table, but it creates a new table with new structure and for some reason it does not pass id
attr to the newly created table
Check my snippet:
I've selected the table
element and manually added the id
attribute. It's not a perfect solution, but it should work, so treat it like a temporary workaround.
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