Topic: Dynamic select initialization
pro premium priority asked 3 years ago
How do you do dynamic initialization for select component , like for input
I tried
document.querySelectorAll('.select').forEach(function (selectNode) {
new mdb.Select(selectNode).init();
but get an error.
staff answered 3 years ago
Here is snippet with example:
pro premium priority answered 3 years ago
This means I have to write all my selects as strings. Not an option. Isnt there a consistent way to do it like the input element where you have a method .init() on all instances with the class?
staff answered 3 years ago
You can do that. And your initial code was almost good.
You don't need to call init
It will look like this:
document.querySelectorAll('.select').forEach(function (selectNode) {
new mdb.Select(selectNode);
nick.kaynes pro premium priority commented 3 years ago
No its not the same. This will recreate all select nodes even ones that are ready created resulting in 2 select components. The input initialization works with .init() because it only recreates component if not allready created.
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