Topic: Datepicker display format vs. submit format
Expected behavior
Often, the date format displayed to the user is different than what a server expects (i.e. localized format vs. ISO). It would be nice if there were two options for formatting - one for the display and one for submitting.
Upon initialization, the Datepicker would create a hidden input with the name of the original text input and set its value to what the user picked, but format it using the submit format. The text input that displays the date should no longer have a name attribute so its value is not submitted and should use the display format.
Having such a behavior built-in would make using the Datepicker component easier without having to write custom JavaScript.
Actual behavior
There is only one format option and that affects both the date displayed and the value submitted to the server.
Dawid Wajszczuk
staff answered 4 years ago
Thanks for your feedback. I have added this to our ideas list. We will discuss this in our team.
Keep coding,
gianlucagiacometti pro premium priority commented 3 years ago
Actually, this is the behaviour of datepicker in MDB4, with name_sql submitted as well for obvious reasons. I kindly ask you to migrate this foundamental feature to MDB5. Thank you
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