Topic: DatePicker, DateTimePicker not working in EDGE or Chrome
Works in FireFox (95.0.2 (64-bit) but NOT in Chrome (Version 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and Microsoft EDGE (Version 96.0.1054.62 (Official build) (64-bit))
No sample code needed: You can recreate by using the datetimepicker on this page:
Any interaction within the calendar (clicking a date, time, button etc) results in immediate crash, after which nothing works.
Swedish regional settings and keyboard used
Michał Duszak
staff answered 3 years ago
Can you check those OS settings and confirm that the animations are not turned off?
OSX: Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion
IOS: System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Reduce Motion
Windows: Settings > Ease of Access > Show animations in Windows
anderse pro premium priority commented 3 years ago
Windows: Settings > Ease of Access > Show animations in Windows -> OFF
btw - I tried using another - and later - failed
edit: However - if I change Show animations in Windows to on, even the latter versions of the kit works fine
Michał Duszak staff commented 3 years ago
Thank you for reporting this issue. I will discuss handling prefers-reduced-motion media feature for remote desktops with the team.
sody pro premium priority commented 3 years ago
Hi, Thank you I had the exact same issue. Maybe in the mean time you can put this as a note in the documentation so it would save someone else also.
triklimops-org pro premium priority commented 3 years ago
We had this same issue, thanks for the solution! Quick question though, on your page the (, it worked for us even before we enabled Windows.
Did you disable animation on your version?
Grzegorz Bujański commented 3 years ago
We have made improvements to the animations so that there will no longer be problems when they are systemically disabled.
pro premium priority answered 3 years ago
The errors occur when I am running the browsers in a Windows Remote Desktop session
So, Firefox doesn't work from there either
So the issue here seems to be that when running any browser in a RDP session it crashes
There is no problem when running in a standard console setting
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- User: Pro
- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB Standard
- MDB Version: MDB5 3.10.1
- Device: PC
- Browser: Chrome, EDGE
- OS: Windows 10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: Yes