Topic: Date Picker + Input Mask
Can i have both Date Picker and Input Mask co exist? Here is your basic inline datepicker.
Select a dateI have added imput mask on the input field. Because of the mask, i am not allowed to type alpha numeric.
Issue scenario #1: 1. I pick a date from calendar 2. Focus Out (click else where) 3. Click back in the input field 4. Focus Out (like #2) 5. The Date input field get cleared out
Issue scenario #2: 0. Type in some date say (01/01/2024) 1. I pick a date from calendar (01/31/2024) 2. Focus Out (click else where) 3. Click back in the input field 4. Focus Out (like #2) 5. The Date input field gets reset to 01/01/2024 instead of staying as 01/31/2024.
Please let me know what am i missing. Thank you.
Kamila Pieńkowska
staff answered 9 months ago
We do not support using this datepicker with input mask, but if you want to do it anyway you can do it like this:
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