Topic: DATATABLE - change color of hover
Michal Betlach
pro premium asked 12 months ago
Hello, please, how can I change color of hover row in datatable? Thank you.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
Kamila Pieńkowska
staff answered 12 months ago
Here is snippet example:
Michal Betlach pro premium commented 12 months ago
Thank you very much. And please where can I find more detail information about the mdb CSS syntax which you used in snippet. I would like to learn this. Thank you.
Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 12 months ago
There is a list of available SCSS and CSS variables for every component in its API tab. But most of the time it is easier to see what variable you need to change by inspecting element in the browser developer tools.
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- OS: win10
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