Topic: Where is MDBSideNavItem documented . How does it differ from MDBSideNavLink
davidkjackson asked 6 years ago
Can you please provide the link to where I can find documentation on the use of MDBSideNavItem. It is used in some samples for example 'Navigation - Composition' samples but there is no documentation on how to use it or what parameters it takes.
When would it be used instead MDBSideNavLink etc.
I want to have a sidebar item that also has an icon and goes to a specific link. I can find nop documentation on the usage.
Rather than have to find a sample and hope that there is an API button that provides some information, it would be better if you documented every single MDB component in an alphabetical table with an explanation of each , what component it requires as a parent and all the parms for each.
davidkjackson answered 6 years ago
That link is to SideNavLink. There is no mention of SideNavItem or how they differ from each other.
I have searched and can find nothing on SideNavItem.
Konrad Stępień staff commented 6 years ago
Sorry for the problems. We will try to quickly update the documentation.
Best, Konrad
n.antokhov pro commented 6 years ago
I found SideNavItem in source. It has ["tag", "children", "href", "className", "innerRef"] properties. But if you try to use href, it will reload your page. And it without icon properties. So I think, they don't have a side navigation link with icon.
n.antokhov pro commented 6 years ago
Sorry.. Found some example from MDB that works very well.
It's in MDB Admin Pro pack. :)))
Konrad Stępień staff commented 6 years ago
Hi @n.antokhov,
You're right, this component has "tag", "children", "href", "className", "innerRef"
properties, but it is not a element of Router DOM
and that's why the page is refresh.
But This code
<MDBNavLink to="#"><MDBIcon fab icon="instagram" /></MDBNavLink>
Just has Link
in code, and when you use this in your project page is not refresh after click link.
Best, Konrad.
n.antokhov pro commented 6 years ago
It's good example. But I have some problem with MDBNavLink. On load page, tag with current href has class 'active', it's great. After click on another menu item application load new content, but 'active' class stay on previous tag . If after that I reload the page ("cmd + r" in chrome) and I will have to tags with class 'active' in my app, current and previous. I don't set className for MDBNavLink or any another props, only 'to'. So it's little bit strange for me.
Konrad Stępień staff commented 6 years ago
Hi @n.antokhov,
It is an interesting bug, can you send me your code? I will try to analyze the issue and fix this problem. Or maybe if you can't send code, try to send the link for me where i can see how this bug works.
Best, Konrad.
n.antokhov pro commented 6 years ago
It's not so sacred. :)
Konrad Stępień staff answered 6 years ago
Hi @davidkjackson,
In this link, in the "api" tab and at the very bottom is API Reference: SideNavLink Properties
. Is that what you meant?
Best, Konrad.
n.antokhov pro answered 6 years ago
I have the same trouble. Want to build sideNav and can't find documentation about MDBSideNavItem.
Konrad Stępień staff commented 6 years ago
Hi @n.antokhov,
We will fix it in future. I would like to ask for a moment of patience. I am currently working on this component and I intend to update the documentation as well.
Best regard, Konrad.
n.antokhov pro commented 6 years ago
Thanks. Have a good coding.)
Konrad Stępień staff commented 6 years ago
Thanks, @n.antokhov.
Regards, Konrad.
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