Topic: Using SCSS files in create-react-app project
I am following a 5 min Quick Start to setup a custom-variables.scss, but I could not find mdb.scss file. There are only two files available at the node_modules/mdbreact/dist directory below: -mdb-free.scss -mdb-pro.scss
So when I typed npm start at the terminal to run my project, I got an error message that the module could not be found.
Would you kindly advise what went wrong?
Thank you very much.
Jakub Chmura
staff premium answered 5 years ago
Hi, @cokicoki
Can you check this topic? I think is related to this post.
Let me know if it helps you.
Best, Kuba
answered 5 years ago
Hi Kuba,
I think you refer the wrong solution. I have read and it is not the answer.
This file is not available mdb.scss so it caused the render error.
Please check again this link sir!
import our main scss file:
import "./assets/scss/mdb.scss"
Thank you Kuba.
Piotr Glejzer
staff answered 5 years ago
I change the description of importing SCSS in CRA with mdbreact. I tested it and it is working.
Take a look now
Have a nice day.
cokicoki commented 5 years ago
Thanks so much Piotr Glejzer for your solution.
Jakub Chmura staff premium commented 5 years ago
Your welcome,
If there is anything else I could do for you do not hesitate to ask us.
Best, Kuba
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