New Updated 4.23.1 breaking the applications

Topic: New Updated 4.23.1 breaking the applications

Venky asked 5 years ago


We've taken the latest version of mdbreact (deleted node_modules and installed latest version)

Post the installation of new version, the buttons are not working as expected. The class names are not working as earlier, please check the resources for the same. When inspect the HTML elements in DevTools whatever the classNames applied (z-depth-0, float-right and black) are not visible in the code.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

<MDBBtn className="z-depth-0 float-right black">Button<MDBBtn>

jimgroome answered 5 years ago

Confirmed. Installed MDBReact Pro yesterday (10/12/19) so using 4.23.1, none of my <MDBBtn>s with classNames set are getting the classes.

Jakub Chmura staff premium answered 5 years ago

Hi @Venky, @jimgroome,

We already working to fix bugs in the MDBBtn component. We apologize for the situation and we will do our best to fix it as soon as possible.

If you are not able to work with this version of MDB react please install the last version that you worked with. To do that please add:

#4.22.1 at the end of the repo line in package.json


"mdbreact": "git+",

If there is anything else I could do for you do not hesitate to ask me. I'll be happy to help you.

Best Regards,


jimgroome commented 5 years ago

I've rolled back to 4.23.0, personally, and the <MDBBtn>s are working OK.

Venky commented 5 years ago

I did the same too :)

Jakub Chmura staff premium commented 5 years ago

It's good to hear that this solution works for you.

If there is anything else I could do for you do not hesitate to ask me. I'll be happy to help you.

Best, Kuba

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.23.1
  • Device: Any
  • Browser: Any
  • OS: Any
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No