MDBTooltip is overriding MDBBtn click event

Topic: MDBTooltip is overriding MDBBtn click event

chrismiddle10 pro asked 5 years ago


In a very basic button / tooltip configuration, I can not get the specified click event to fire. It is overridden by the tooltip component. My tooltip triggers on "hover" not "click".

Upon looking at the source, I do not think that all event handlers should be attached regardless of trigger. In other words, a "hover" trigger tooltip should not interfere with any click events, and a "click" trigger tooltip should not interfere with any mouse enter/leave or touch start/end events. But then again, I do not know if conditionally setting this handlers will have side-effects.

Expected behavior

Configured "MDBBtn#onClick" prop should fire without interference from its wrapping "MDBTooltip" component.

Actual behavior

Configured "MDBBtn#onClick" function does not fire. Instead, "MDBTooltip" overrides the event with its own "onClick" prop.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

This is the basic setup I have:

<MDBTooltip placement="top">
    <MDBBtn onClick={()=>{alert( '!' )}}>
        Click me!
        Testing click event

I think the bug is in Popper.js in the snippet of code below in its attaching all events regardless of the "clickable" prop.

          ({ ref }) => (
              ? <Wrapper.type
                onMouseEnter={() => !clickable && setVisible(true)}
                onMouseLeave={() => !clickable && setVisible(false)}
                onTouchStart={() => !clickable && setVisible(true)}
                onTouchEnd={() => !clickable && setVisible(false)}
                onClick={() => clickable && setVisible(!visible)}
              : <Wrapper.type
                onMouseEnter={() => !clickable && setVisible(true)}
                onMouseLeave={() => !clickable && setVisible(false)}
                onTouchStart={() => !clickable && setVisible(true)}
                onTouchEnd={() => !clickable && setVisible(false)}
                onClick={() => clickable && setVisible(!visible)}

The following is the current (very hacky) override I am using in "mdbreact.esm.js". It is not heavily tested yet, but I think it shows the basics of what needs to happen to fix this problem.

return React.createElement( Manager, null, React.createElement( Reference, null, function ( _ref2 ) {
        var ref = _ref2.ref,
            config = { 'data-popper': id };

        if( clickable ) {
            config.onClick = function() { setVisible( !visible ) };
        } else {
            config.onMouseEnter = config.onTouchStart = function() { setVisible( true ) };
            config.onMouseLeave = config.onTouchEnd = function() { setVisible( false ) };

        if( domElement ) {
            config.ref = ref;
        } else {
            config.innerRef = ref;

        return React.createElement( Wrapper.type, _extends( {}, Wrapper.props, config ) );
    } )

Aliaksandr Andrasiuk staff answered 5 years ago


So many thanks for your response. Will fix this bug in the near future.

Best regards.

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.17.0
  • Device: n/a
  • Browser: n/a
  • OS: n/a
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No