Topic: MDBIframe
pro premium asked 5 years ago
Expected behavior Method to disable vertical scrolling in MDBIframe Actual behavior Have tried a number of methods overflow="hidden" scrolling="no" scrolling="false" style={{ scrolling: no }} hidden etc Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) Is there a way to disable scrolling
pro premium answered 5 years ago
Hi Magdalena, Not much to post really as it is default MDB page modal with an Iframe insert. Basically do not want the modal to scroll at all.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { MDBBtn, MDBModal, MDBModalBody, MDBModalFooter, MDBRow, MDBIcon, MDBIframe } from "mdbreact";
class IframePage extends Component { state = { modal11: false, }
toggle = nr => () => {
let modalNumber = "modal" + nr;
[modalNumber]: !this.state[modalNumber]
render() {
return (
<MDBBtn onClick={this.toggle(11)}>Launch Connect</MDBBtn>
<MDBModal size="md" isOpen={this.state.modal11} toggle={this.toggle(11)}>
<MDBModalBody className="mb-0 p-0">
<MDBIframe allowFullScreen title="connect" src="" >
<img src="Vmixcalllogo-300-bl.png" />
<MDBModalFooter className="justify-content-center">
<MDBBtn color="primary" outline rounded size="md" className="ml-4" onClick={this.toggle(11)}>
</MDBRow >
export default IframePage;
Magdalena Dembna staff premium commented 5 years ago
Unfortunately, there's no such functionality built-in mdbModal. If you want to disable scrolling you need to create a custom function to do it. Best regards, Magdalena
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- Technology: MDB React
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Magdalena Dembna staff premium commented 5 years ago
Can you edit your post so it includes a code snippet? Best regards, Magdalena