Topic: MDBDatatable
My <th> classes are getting stripped off pl see below
<th class="">Date<i class="fa fa-sort float-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></th>
whereas the example has all these classes which i need.
<th class="th-sm sorting_desc" tabindex="0" aria-controls="dtBasicExample" rowspan="1" colspan="1" aria-label="Name
: activate to sort column ascending" style="width: 138px;" aria-sort="descending">Name
<i class="fa fa-sort float-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>
I have no control over <th as i am declaring the datatable as:
Jakub Mandra
staff premium answered 6 years ago
Hey, thanks for posting.
That brings the problem out - we should add attributes for table components, so they would be more controllable and customizable.
Unfortunately, for now it is not possible to add your custom attributes.
Shashank Tiwari
answered 5 years ago
Q.1 I want to ask that how we put search box at every column. Q. 2 How to change Position and CSS of Footer elements. I am naive in this please give me a proper way to do this.
Jakub Chmura staff premium commented 5 years ago
I need to redirect you to your thread.
Grzegorz Bujański
answered 2 years ago
To use dropdown in datatable try this data:
const actionData = {
columns: [
{ label: 'Name', field: 'name' },
{ label: 'Position', field: 'position' },
{ label: 'Office', field: 'office' },
{ label: 'Contact', field: 'contact', sort: false },
rows: [
name: 'Tiger Nixon',
position: 'System Architect',
office: 'Edinburgh',
phone: '+48000000000',
email: '',
].map((row) => {
return {
contact: (
<MDBDropdownToggle>Dropdown button</MDBDropdownToggle>
<MDBDropdownMenu appendToBody="true">
<MDBDropdownItem link>Action</MDBDropdownItem>
<MDBDropdownItem link>Another action</MDBDropdownItem>
<MDBDropdownItem link>Something else here</MDBDropdownItem>
The most important thing is to use the appendToBody
prop to make the dropdown display properly.
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- User: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB React
- MDB Version: 4.8.4
- Device: Web
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: Windows
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
arjun Liqotech commented 2 years ago
how to add a dropdown on the col in the table ?