Topic: MDB React v4.12.0 update issue
Today we've got a new version of MDB React (v4.12.0)
I've updated my app with the latest version of it. Since then I'm getting some error (Please check Resources). I've tried changing the versions of React as well because it looks like issue with the React version >16.8.0). I've tried few solutions but couldn't get any luck. We are not able move forward with this error, can we've a solution for this
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.
Please let me know for any further information
Thanks :)
Bartłomiej Malanowski
staff pro premium answered 6 years ago
Answering your question from the comment, it's possible to downgrade the version. To do so, in your package.json modify the MDB React dependency to look like this:
"dependencies": {
"mdbreact": "git+"
Of course, you can replace 4.11.1 with any version you need. You can find the full list of available versions here
Venky commented 6 years ago
Thanks for the quick fix for the above comment.
If I upgrade to the newer version of MDBR again I might get the same issue which I mentioned earlier, can we've the fix for the same
For your reference
Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.
Thanks :)
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff pro premium commented 6 years ago
Could you please update your version of React in your project?
Venky commented 6 years ago
I've installed new version of react (16.8.6), still not working
answered 6 years ago
Same issue here, downgraded to 4.11.1 and worked , please fix new versions soon !!
react project commented 4 years ago
How to downgrade ?pls help me regarding this issue
Piotr Glejzer staff commented 4 years ago
install dependencies with a version for example: `npm install mdbreact@4.26.0
Gururaj Kotian commented 4 years ago
But i think there' s a issue with reactjs 17.0.1 update.i have tried all the methods by downgrading mdb but it doeant work for me.Even if i try to dowgrade react ,its not getting downgraded.
Piotr Glejzer staff commented 4 years ago
which component doesn't work with that?
Jakub Mandra
staff premium answered 6 years ago
Have you tried to delete your .lock
files and node_modules
and then install mdbreact again?
According to have you tried to do steps of debugging?
When I set up a fresh create-react-app project and install mdbreact all works well, but yes - there is an error while running npm ls react
I suggest to try reinstallation vie npm
, npm deduplicates the dependencies, so the problem should be vanished.
About dedupe:
But we will fight with that issue and release the patch, or head back to you with @next version.
Venky commented 6 years ago
Hi Jakub,
I've tried the same, the invalid hooks issue is resolved but getting other issue like this
TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
(anonymous function)
D:/Projects/MDBR Not Working Components/node_modules/mdbreact/dist/mdbreact.esm.js:6512
6509 | var contentClasses = classNames(!popover && "tooltip-inner");
6510 | return React.createElement(Manager, null, React.createElement(Reference, null, function (_ref2) {
6511 | var ref = _ref2.ref;
> 6512 | return !domElement ? React.createElement(Wrapper.type, _extends({}, Wrapper.props, {
| ^ 6513 | onMouseEnter: function onMouseEnter() {
6514 | return !clickable && setVisible(true);
6515 | },
View compiled
D:/Projects/MDBR Not Working Components/node_modules/react-popper/lib/esm/Reference.js:36
33 |
34 | _proto.render = function render() {
35 | warning(Boolean(this.props.setReferenceNode), 'Reference
should not be used outside of a Manager
> 36 | return unwrapArray(this.props.children)({
| ^ 37 | ref: this.refHandler
38 | });
39 | };
View compiled
D:/Projects/MDBR Not Working Components/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:15320
15317 | } else {
15318 | {
15319 | setCurrentPhase('render');
> 15320 | nextChildren = instance.render();
| ^ 15321 |
15322 | if (debugRenderPhaseSideEffects || debugRenderPhaseSideEffectsForStrictMode && workInProgress.mode & StrictMode) {
15323 | instance.render();
Please let me know for any further information
Thanks :)
Jakub Mandra staff premium commented 6 years ago
That's very confusing. Can you share the code where you use Tooltip or Popover (error record concerns those components)? Or you do not use those components?
Also, we have developed mdbreact with peer dependencies for react, you can test it by installing mdbreact from @next branch.
Venky commented 6 years ago
Hey Jakub,
Thanks for the response, I've removed all the Tooltips code from from my source code and then tried to install it and it worked well.
Now everything is works fine
Thanks :)
Jakub Mandra staff premium commented 6 years ago
Today we released v.4.13.0 and all those problems should be repaired. Please update if you like :)
Jakub Mandra staff premium commented 6 years ago
Today we released v.4.13.0 and all those problems should be repaired. Please update if you like :)
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- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB React
- MDB Version: 4.11.1
- Device: All Devices
- Browser: All Browsers
- OS: Windows and Ubuntu
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
Venky commented 6 years ago
Is there any way that we can downgrade to the older version of MDB? If so please let me know how to do that
Thanks :)