Topic: how to use grid system in react
Anna Morawska
staff answered 7 years ago
Anna Morawska
staff answered 7 years ago
size -> 'col-' + size e.g. <Col size="4"> adds to your container class .size-4 sm -> 'col-sm-' + sm e.g. <Col sm="4"> adds to your container class .size-sm-4 md -> 'col-md-' + md e.g. <Col md="4"> adds to your container class .size-md-4 lg -> 'col-lg-' +lg e.g. <Col lg="4"> adds to your container class .size-lg-4 xl -> 'col-xl-' +xl e.g. <Col xl="4"> adds to your container class .size-xl-4
end -> <Row end> adds to your container class .justify-content-end' start -> <Row start> adds to your container class .justify-content-start' center -> <Row center> adds to your container class .justify-content-center' between -> <Row between> adds to your container class .justify-content-between' around -> <Row around> adds to your container class .justify-content-around'
MING WU pro commented 7 years ago
You definitely need to update the documentation not just in grid parts. I do not think your explanation is clear. For example, how many cols in a row, how to adjust the size of a col, how to adjust the gaps between cols. For a completely beginner to your css framework, it is really hard to follow. ----------- I also found another error in select component. You have to wrap everything in one parent element. The following code is absolutely not working in react. You need to wrap them in a orMING WU pro commented 6 years ago
Hi Anna, Thanks for your reply. The documentation becomes much better to follow. Regards. Thanks
Anna Morawska staff commented 6 years ago
Hi there, nice to hear that, thank you! :) Best, Ania
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