not working

Topic: not working

innovative23 pro asked 5 years ago not working...

raichshlv answered 5 years ago

Well I guess i'm never including in my package.json ever again.

jr. bolenge commented 3 years ago

prorit stagesare link again set up ?

jr. bolenge commented 3 years ago

prorit stagesare link again set up ?

bgprior answered 5 years ago

Same problem here. Just bought Pro Super Bundle. Can't get started.

bgprior commented 5 years ago

Sorry, should have been clear. This is a 500 error on and

bgprior commented 5 years ago

Checking the forum, this issue seems to occur sporadically, and causes existing installs problems. I think I saw a suggestion somewhere that, to avoid those problems, one should create a local copy of the git repository and use that in the package.json(s). I can't find where I saw this. Is that right, and if so, are there instructions somewhere?

Also, this problem seems to have been confirmed by several posters. Any info on what's happening?

bgprior commented 5 years ago

OK. The 500 error has gone, but now it won't accept my password.

bgprior commented 5 years ago

Password reset has not sent an email.

bgprior commented 5 years ago

Password reset still not working.

For anyone looking at this thread, wondering whether to spend money on the paid version or stick with the Free option, this is what your money buys you in support. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Diddly-squat. Not even a "we're working on it".

bgprior commented 5 years ago

And still not working. And still no answer.

bgprior commented 5 years ago

Still no access, no email from password reset, and no contact from support.

Marcin Aderek staff answered 5 years ago


We are really sorry, for temporary problems with I just checked our services and it working now. If you find any problem with access, please send information to

Best regards, Marcin

its not working again

Krzysztof Wilk staff commented 3 years ago


Our GitLab didn't work yesterday due to a fire in the OVH servers. Now everything should work :)

Best regards

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.22.1
  • Device: Laptop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No