Topic: Error after following steps in SCSS portion of 5 min Quick Start
pro asked 5 years ago
Near the end of the React 5 min Quick Start there is a section titled "Using SCSS files in create-react-app project". I followed those directions and got the app working, but when I upgraded react-scripts I got the following error.
Module not found: Can't resolve './font/roboto/Roboto-Bold.eot' in '/mnt/d/workspace/javascript/sewjoyful-ui/src/assets/scss'
The issue seems to be caused by a change in react-scripts v3.1.0.
Any help would be appreciated.
Konrad Stępień
staff answered 5 years ago
Hi @StephenHull
I changed the structure of the assets folder and then everything works correctly for this:
Folder img, font cut from assets and paste to scss folder.
Also, I send a pull request for your repo.
We will fix it at the documentation page. Thanks for finding the bug!
Best regards, Konrad.
StephenHull pro commented 5 years ago
Thank you! I really appreciate you taking time to solve this.
Konrad Stępień staff commented 5 years ago
No problem. We will fix docs and i close the issue :)
Best regards, Konrad.
Konrad Stępień
staff answered 5 years ago
Hi @StephenHull,
I did updated react-script
to version 3.2.0 (lastest) and everything works correctly.
Can you follow this guide again? Also, you can delete your node modules folder and package-lock.json file, and then run npm i
and npm run start
your project.
Tell me if you still have a problem.
Best regards, Konrad.
StephenHull pro commented 5 years ago
Followed all of your instructions, but I still get the same error.
Module not found: Can't resolve './font/roboto/Roboto-Bold.eot' in '/mnt/d/workspace/javascript/sewjoyful-ui/src/assets/scss'
Konrad Stępień staff commented 5 years ago
Hi @StephenHull,
Can you send me this project on GitHub? Or add me to this project. You can make a new project with a removed token in package.json file.
My Github:
StephenHull pro commented 5 years ago
I sent you an email with the project details.
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