Topic: classes not loaded
asked 6 years ago
Expected behavior
After import mdbreact-4.17.0.tgz file , all css should automatically loaded , in your example it is working
{ "color": "indigo", "dark": true, "expand": "md", "style": { "marginTop": "20px" }, "children": [ "", "", "" ], "tag": "nav", "scrolling": false }
Actual behavior
but in my case only class name coming while inspective element but css not loaded LIKE { "color": "default-color", "dark": true, "expand": "md", "children": [ "", "", "" ], "tag": "nav", "scrolling": false }
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
Only thing i do add this line in dependency of package.json ["mdbreact": "./mdbreact-4.17.0.tgz"]
and then direct import in my project
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { MDBNavbar, MDBNavbarBrand, MDBNavbarNav, MDBNavItem, MDBNavLink, MDBNavbarToggler, MDBCollapse, MDBDropdown, MDBDropdownToggle, MDBDropdownMenu, MDBDropdownItem, MDBIcon } from "mdbreact";
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';
and then use it but in DOM element only
only class name is loaded but respected class styling is not loaded
so Result DOM element is basic HTML without styling
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- User: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB React
- MDB Version: 4.17.0
- Device: Dell intel XEON
- Browser: Firefox
- OS: Windows
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
get4sachin commented 6 years ago
ERROR IS "You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type."
When i iimport css file in to app.js
Piotr Glejzer staff commented 6 years ago
did you change anything in your webpack file?