Carousel indicators does not work. It does not use style

Topic: Carousel indicators does not work. It does not use style

incust pro premium priority asked 2 years ago

I copied code from examples and except it will work, and indicators will be shown

Carousel`s prop showIndicators does not show indicators. I checked dev tools of docs page with carousel and I saw that indicators uses style from css ".carousel-indicators [data-mdb-target]", so, in dev tools of my page i added attribute data-mdb-target with random text and indicators became shown

Wojciech Staniszewski staff commented 2 years ago

Maybe you forgot to import the styles? If not, please provide a code sample or create a snippet.

incust pro premium priority commented 2 years ago

ok, I will create a snippet, but, I wrote, style work, because whan I added property "data-mdb-target" it started working

incust pro premium priority commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but I can't create react snippet. It does not work. Selecting version does not work and when I pressed create it is loading infinitly. I tried to create standart snippet and it works, but react — no

incust pro premium priority commented 2 years ago

I make post and added images to this post, you can see

incust pro premium priority answered 2 years ago

Here is not work. <li> element is 0x0 and right you can see styles

And here I manually added this property and now indicators work

You can look for first image.

"li" element is 0x0 and right you can see styles.

And second image. I manually added property and not indicators work.

You can see card, it is bootstrap`s card and bootstrap`s buttons. And it works good.

(Don't look for a input bellow. I don't use bootstrap for it and don't make style for it)

Wojciech Staniszewski staff commented 2 years ago

Please provide a code sample, cannot debug without it.

incust pro premium priority commented 2 years ago

Code from example does not work

Wojciech Staniszewski staff commented 2 years ago

I can see that the problem occurs. Will be fixed in the next release.

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: MDB5 4.1.0
  • Device: All
  • Browser: All
  • OS: All
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No