Button changes on href? Why?

Topic: Button changes on href? Why?

mark-steven-au pro premium asked 4 years ago

Expected behavior MDBbtn , Add href= to button and it remains the same size. Actual behavior Button balloons up? Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) button without link result result with href added Result button bubbles up Cannot see any reason for what the Sie or shape of button should change at all by simply adding href? Any clues as to why and how to get around it?

Jakub Chmura staff premium commented 4 years ago

Hi @mark-steven-au,

I can't reproduce this error. I can add an href prop to this component and nothing is changing. Can I ask you for the code example where this problem is causing?

mark-steven-au pro premium commented 4 years ago

Hi Jacob Code is below. As far as I can tell it appears to react because it is a modal in a MDB Side Nav element with not a lot of room. Should be enough to accomodate it as all the other buttons work and sit fine. Just not this one for some reason. The side nav is the sidenav from this standard template. hidden side nav and fixed top nav https://mdbootstrap.com/docs/jquery/navigation/compositions/ Hope that helps.

mark-steven-au pro premium answered 4 years ago

enter code here

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom"; import { MDBContainer, MDBBtn, MDBModal, MDBModalBody, MDBNav, MDBNavItem, MDBNavLink, MDBInput, MDBModalFooter, MDBIcon, MDBTabContent, MDBTabPane, MDBRow, MDBCol } from 'mdbreact';

class ModalPage extends Component { state = { modal1: false, activeItem: "1" }

toggle = nr => () => { let modalNumber = 'modal' + nr this.setState({ [modalNumber]: !this.state[modalNumber] }); }

toggleTab = nr => () => { this.setState({ activeItem: nr }); }

render() { return ( Sign In

      <MDBNav tabs className="rounded md-tabs nav-justified tabs-2 light-blue " style={{ margin: "0rem 0rem 0 0rem" }}>
          <MDBNavLink className={this.state.activeItem === 1 ? "active" : ""} to="#" onClick={this.toggleTab('1')}>
          <MDBNavLink className={this.state.activeItem === 2 ? "active" : ""} to="#" onClick={this.toggleTab('2')}>

          <MDBBtn size="sm" rounded outline color="danger" onClick={this.toggle(1)}>CLOSE</MDBBtn>

      <MDBTabContent activeItem={this.state.activeItem}>
        <MDBTabPane tabId="1">
          <MDBModalBody size="sm" className="mx-1">
            <form className=" mx-0 grey-text">
              <MDBInput className="emailform1" label="Email" group type="email" validate error="wrong" success="right" />
              <MDBInput className="emailform1" label="Password" group type="password" validate />
          <MDBModalFooter className="justify-content-center mx-0">
            <MDBIcon icon="sign-in-alt" className="ml-1" />
            <MDBBtn size="sm" rounded outline href="/TermsAndConditions" color="danger" onClick={this.toggle(1)}>CLOSE</MDBBtn>
            <MDBBtn size="sm" rounded outline href="/TermsAndConditions" >LOG IN 2
            <MDBRow className="w-100 justify-content-start pt-0" style={{ borderTop: "1px solid #e9ecef" }}>
                <div id="options">
                  <p className="font-small grey-text">Not a member? <span className="blue-text ml-0" onClick={this.toggleTab('2')}>Sign_Up</span></p>



                <a href="/PhotoGallery">Lost-Password</a>
        <MDBTabPane tabId="2">
          <MDBModalBody className="mx-0">
            <form className=" mx-0 grey-text">
              <MDBInput className="emailform1" label="Email" group type="email" validate error="wrong" success="right" />
              <MDBInput className="emailform1" label="Password" group type="password" validate />
              <MDBInput className="emailform1" label="Repeat P-W" group type="password" validate />
          <MDBModalFooter className="justify-content-center mx-0">
            <MDBBtn href="#!" rounded outline color="info" onClick={this.toggle(3)}>SIGN UP
              <MDBIcon icon="sign-in-alt" className="ml-1" />
            <MDBRow className="w-100 justify-content-start pt-0" style={{ borderTop: "1px solid #e9ecef" }}>

              <div id="options">
                <p className="font-small grey-text">Already have account?<span className="blue-text ml-1" onClick={this.toggleTab('1')}>Log</span></p>



      </MDBTabContent >
    </MDBModal >

  </MDBContainer >

} }

export default ModalPage;

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.27.0
  • Device: Any
  • Browser: Chrome, safari, firefox
  • OS: IOS
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No