MDB support

Status Topic Category Views Answers Votes
Dropdown selected item border broken
Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 596 1 0
Sidenav height transitions
Grzegorz Bujański staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 563 2 0
Opening collapsed sidenav sub-menu programatically
Grzegorz Bujański staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 522 6 0
Sidenav menu item open / close animation
Dawid Wajszczuk staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 507 1 0
Sidenav not fully cleaning up after itself when deleted
Dawid Wajszczuk staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 420 1 0
sidenav update function always pushes content over
Marvin Herbold pro premium priority answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 495 2 0
Sidenav accordion - one menu item open at a time - not always working
Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 481 1 0
Getting current date range from calendar
Dawid Wajszczuk staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 565 1 0
Calendar buttons submit forms
Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 714 1 2
Sidenav toggle breaks when select input is on page
Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago
MDB Standard 582 4 0


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