MDB support

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datatable adding scope for accessibility
Mike Barlow commented 4 years ago
MDB Vue 952 1 0
Press "ESC" in an 'mdb-modal' does not close the modal.
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 4 years ago
MDB Vue 1408 1 0
mdbdatatable row select returns row data only on alternate clicks
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 4 years ago
MDB Vue 635 0 0
datatable "showing records" doesn't increment properly
Mike Barlow published 4 years ago
MDB Vue 979 0 0
Datatable "Select Entries" control Critical Accessibility Issue
Magdalena Dembna staff premium commented 5 years ago
MDB Vue 955 0 0
datatable data columns don't line up with header columns
Mike Barlow commented 5 years ago
MDB Vue 2902 0 0
How to keep the side nav from collapsing by default.
Mike Barlow commented 5 years ago
MDB Vue 645 0 0
Datatable is "caching" data until it's selected
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 5 years ago
MDB Vue 1184 1 0
Using .env / VUE_APP environment variables
Mikołaj Smoleński staff answered 5 years ago
MDB Vue 4104 2 0
How to use local static image files in the Vue Admin Pro template
Mike Barlow commented 5 years ago
MDB Vue 2215 3 0


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