mdb-cli@1.1.20: mdb login does not ask for credentials

Topic: mdb-cli@1.1.20: "mdb login" does not ask for credentials

TomasKatz asked 5 years ago

Expected behavior

"mdb login" command should ask for username/password

Actual behavior

First time, a browser window opened that said an application was blocked, the browser was closed accidently. Further attempts to run this command did nothing and had no effect, just a new cli input line.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

PS C:\Users\someuser\folder\project_root> mdb login PS C:\Users\someuser\folder\project_root>

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff pro premium commented 5 years ago

It's really hard for me to reproduce this issue. I have just tested the mdb login command on the Win 10 Pro and everything worked well. Could you please try to uninstall and install the mdb-cli tool again? And if anything unexpected happens, please take a screenshot and post it here. The correct process should be like this: npm i mdb-cli -g, then mdb login and it should ask you for username/pass and after that, the result should be displayed in a table in your terminal. No additional windows/pop-ups should be displayed.

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff pro premium commented 5 years ago

Also, what terminal do you use? PowerShell, GitBash? Something else?

TomasKatz answered 5 years ago

This happens using the termial of visual studio code, even after opening visual studio with administrator permissions.Using git bash asked for credentials as expected, but yielded an error.

Is there a solution for "visual studio code"?I have tried uninstalling mdb-cli globally, and re-installing but the problem persists.e.g no prompt for credentials:
PS C:\Users\user\folder\project_root> mdb login
PS C:\Users\user\folder\project_root>

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff pro premium answered 5 years ago

As we stated in our CLI Quick Start guide:

Since we are using the inquirer module, you have to be aware of the fact that not all terminals are supported. As of now, these terminals are supported by MDB CLI:

  • Mac OS:
    • iTerm
  • Windows:
    • ConEmu
    • cmd.exe
    • Powershell
    • Cygwin
  • Linux (Ubuntu, openSUSE, Arch Linux, etc):
    • gnome-terminal (Terminal GNOME)
    • konsole

So have you tried one of those terminals?

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Specification of the issue
  • User: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: Other
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: PC
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No