Use of Mdb Pro

ericlory asked 5 years ago

I am a new user of mdb pro and I can't find yet the correct way to get 2 components I have seen on mdb library. I am sorry if the following questions arent really about coding.

1/ MDB Pro page mentions near the bottom of the page "11 powerful plugins" included with the pro licence. How can I get those ? For now the download section on each plugin tells me to buy each of them. Arent they included in the Pro package, as shown in the mdb pro page ?

2/ in the snippets library I have found something I would like to use on my project :

  • When I click on the Download button, it returns a popup with "This snippet requires MDB Pro package. Click the button below to get MDB Pro."

  • When I copy paste both html and js code in the index.html file of the downloaded mdb pro package, console returns 2 errors :

Console error 1- index.html:185 Uncaught ReferenceError: objectFitImages is not defined at index.html:185

//// this is from the JS code copied and paste at the end of the index.hml file

Console error 2- DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for /js/ System error: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

//// Indeed, in the js directory there is a popper.min.js file but no file

Many thanks Regards, Eric

Tomek Makowski staff answered 5 years ago


  1. Yes, they are in the pro package. These are plugins like Charts, Datatables, etc. However, there is not every plugin in our package. Some of them are too big to add them to the pro package.

  2. Try to use a parallax effect as it in the documentation here:


ericlory commented 5 years ago

Ok thanks for your return Let me ask differently

1/ How can I dowload them as the download page asks me to buy them ?

2/ How can I download pro snippets, as every pro snippets tells me to get mdb pro when I click the download button ?

Many thanks Regards

ericlory answered 5 years ago

Ok thanks for your return Let me ask differently

1/ How can I dowload them as the download page asks me to buy them ?

2/ How can I download pro snippets, as every pro snippets tells me to get mdb pro when I click the download button ?

Many thanks Regards

Tomek Makowski staff commented 5 years ago

Be sure that you're logged in when you are using our snippet code editor. If it wasn't a problem, would try to log out and then log in again


Igor Zanine answered 5 years ago

I'm also having issues with loading It appears to be missing all together. What would you advise?

Tomek Makowski staff commented 5 years ago

Be sure that you have the newest version of our package (v4.19.1) because this issue has been repaired.


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Specification of the issue
  • User: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.19.1
  • Device: PC
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes