switch color class broke

Topic: switch color class broke

weshuiz13 pro asked 6 years ago

when trying the switch element everything seems fine the switch is nice and good untill i add a switch color class to it for example <!-- Switch --> <divclass="switch mdb-color-switch"> <label> Off <inputtype="checkbox"checked="checked"> <spanclass="lever"></span> On </label> </div> how ever adding this chance nothing happend the color stay's the same no matter what or how

Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 6 years ago

Hi, have you added a CSS code like on the documentation page: https://mdbootstrap.com/components/bootstrap-switch/#colors ? Best, Marta

weshuiz13 pro answered 6 years ago

a cording to that link i have to apply switch-primairy to chance the theme from purple to the primairy color but when i try it it does not work   if i add a color theme on a button 4 example it works fine what is going rong?

Marta Szymanska staff pro premium answered 6 years ago

Hi, you need to add additional CSS to change switch color as we wrote in our documentation. Best, Marta
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  • Technology: MDB jQuery
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