Sidenav not fixed on large screens

Topic: Sidenav not fixed on large screens

orthlieb pro asked 7 years ago

Side nav not fixed on larger devices. Is there a missing class I need to add or is this a bug?

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        <i class="fas fa-chess-knight"></i> &nbsp; Normal To Noble
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          <h4>The Normal Cycle</h4>
          <img class="w-100" src="img/normal-to-noble/normal.png" alt="The Normal Cycle" />
          <p>This diagram shows the states that we go through on a normal cycle, represented by the circle on the left. It usually starts with a
            <a href=";version=NLT">James 4:1-11</a> but it meets
            <strong>resistors</strong>, things that come against the desire. They might be physical or financial limitations or it could simply be your spouse, who in your opinion, is not cooperating.
            <a href=";version=NLT">James 4:6</a>
            This leads to
            <strong>conflict</strong> with usually predictable results. When we work from our desires and our flesh we often do and say things that we regret later.
            <a href=";version=NLT">Proverbs 13:10</a>
            When we realize that we’ve stepped outside of God’s boundaries we feel
            <a href=";version=NLT">Leviticus 5:17</a>
            This causes us to
            <strong>blame</strong> others in order to feel better about ourselves but this is a fallacy. It really doesn’t make us feel better at all.
            <a href=";version=NLT">Proverbs 14:3</a>
            At this point we have a
            <strong>decision</strong>: we can continue on the normal cycle of judgment
            <a href=";version=NLT">Genesis 3:10</a> or be courageous and take the noble path.</p>
          <p>If we follow the normal cycle, we feel
            <strong>ashamed</strong> for our actions, our guilt, and our blaming.
            <a href=";version=NLT">Proverbs 11:2</a>
            We enter into
            <strong>condemnation</strong> where we beat ourselves up for our behavior.
            <a href=";version=NLT">Proverbs 29:23</a>
            We get
            <strong>apathetic</strong>: “Things will never change.”, “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t deserve better”, “Why bother?” and sit
            <strong>helplessly</strong> focused our on own discomfort and shortcomings.
          <p>This leads to
            <strong>regret</strong>, where we mull over our actions and choices and what we could have done differently.</p>
          <p>We then
            <strong>fear</strong> that things won’t change, that we’ll be trapped, and that there is no way out.
            <p></p>This then leads to a
            <strong>desire</strong> to change things again, starting the cycle over.</p>
            <b>That is the Normal Cycle.</b>

        <div class="tab-pane fade in " id="normal-to-noble-panel-2" role="tabpanel">
          <h4>The Noble Path</h4>
          <img class="w-100" src="img/normal-to-noble/joymountain.png" alt="The Noble Path" />
          <p>The noble path requires courage to
            <strong>recognize reality</strong>: what the facts are, what your desires are, and whether they are Godly.</p>
          <p>It requires us to
            <strong>receive reproof</strong> for those things that we are responsible for, to&nbsp;<strong>repent</strong> for them, and
            <strong>reveal vulnerably&nbsp;</strong>what we really need and what our fears and weakness are.</p>
          <p>This means that we need to
            <strong>surrender</strong> our outcome (the desire) and trust God to deliver.</p>
          <p>Taking this path consistently with your spouse will show that you have
            <strong>willingness</strong> to understand and change where appropriate, a deep intimate
            <strong>understanding</strong> of your spouse, leading to greater
            <strong>peace</strong> in your household, and
            <strong>joy</strong> in each other and God.</p>
            <b>That is the Noble Path.</b>



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orthlieb pro answered 7 years ago

It looks like it does show up at > 1441px which is bigger than an iPad Pro turned landscape? I think the Apple standard is that you must have a fixed sidenav for iPad/iPad Pro landscape. Any way to change the threshold?
Hi, in mdb.js change this line:
const SN_BREAKPOINT = 1440;
to for example:
const SN_BREAKPOINT = 1023;
and save. Best, Marta  
Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue
  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.5.9
  • Device: Laptop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Mac OS X
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No