Topic: SideNav no Touch Operation
pro premium priority asked 6 years ago
NBB Development
^ example
I cannot swipe the sidenav off of the screen on mobile. When viewing on a desktop I am getting the following console error:
Uncaught TypeError: this.$dragTarget.hammer is not a function
at SideNav.bindTouchEvents (sidenav.js:45)
at SideNav.init (sidenav.js:36)
at new SideNav (sidenav.js:28)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (sidenav.js:361)
at Function.each (ScriptResource.axd?d=4bMApOb58R6igmkUEZ0eXtdJHB870e4MFbamy4biz87JTagEazUCN8i4d2hQPDNzuR__g3UyoIbsXXd76aCW1N11ssf7DPvicShZybtw7VI4a9-6hNT4d61ZzgwTyt0FiGlUGQti26m0v2O1TX9uZkD4fw3c3eqSu54RCcAqzBR5_kiS2lyTD4MhCjqf-OFL0&t=45b53253:2)
at e.fn.init.each (ScriptResource.axd?d=4bMApOb58R6igmkUEZ0eXtdJHB870e4MFbamy4biz87JTagEazUCN8i4d2hQPDNzuR__g3UyoIbsXXd76aCW1N11ssf7DPvicShZybtw7VI4a9-6hNT4d61ZzgwTyt0FiGlUGQti26m0v2O1TX9uZkD4fw3c3eqSu54RCcAqzBR5_kiS2lyTD4MhCjqf-OFL0&t=45b53253:2)
at e.fn.init.$.fn.sideNav (sidenav.js:360)
at sidenav:246
The code in error is:
I am using MDB pro with the lite versions of .css and .js
Jakub Mandra
staff premium answered 6 years ago
Have you been working on that?
Because I cannot see those errors on NBB Development, also SideNav works on mobile...
How can we reproduce the problem?
webmaster2 pro premium priority commented 6 years ago
Yes I did end up getting rid of the hammer error by using mdb instead of mdb-lite. However you cannot swipe the sidenav away off the screen.
Jakub Mandra staff premium commented 6 years ago
I tested your NBB Development on Xiaomi with Android 7.1.2 and Chrome - worked well.
Side nav collapse onTouch/onClick on the overlay.
What device do you use to test?
webmaster2 pro premium priority commented 6 years ago
The sidenav width will cover small device screens. I want the user to be able to close the sidenav by swiping left on the sidenav itself. version is 4.7.1 pro
Jakub Mandra staff premium commented 6 years ago
Here you can find all the options which are provided with SideNav
I'll reach out to our JQ team with SideNav swipe feature request.
Jakub Mandra staff premium commented 6 years ago
Maybe this solution will be interesting for you
webmaster2 pro premium priority commented 6 years ago
No we really need a solution to swipe the sidenav left off the screen.
Jakub Mandra staff premium commented 6 years ago
OK, it is scheduled on our task board. Keep an eye on our changelog
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- User: Pro
- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB jQuery
- MDB Version: 4.5.12
- Device: Phone
- Browser: chrome
- OS: Android
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: Yes