SideNav bug?

Arnt Oddvar Pedersen pro asked 7 years ago

Hello wonderful people! I'm using MDB more and more in my projects and absolutely love how easy things get with it. That being said, I noticed that the SideNav is having some issues. For example, using your own template located here:   You're supposed to be able to hide and show the navigation using: $('selector').sideNav('show'); and $('selector').sideNav('hide');   This is not working and nothing seems to happen at all. Moreover, using the sideNav option: "closeOnClick" does not seem to do anything as well. If the same button used to open the sideNav is clicked multiple times, the sideNav is re-adding the overlay effect for as many times as you click, resulting in the entire page blacking out.  This could easily be fixed by adding a state to the menu.   Is this a design choice or actually a bug? :) Thanks for reading!

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 7 years ago

Hi Arnt Oddvar Pedersen, thank you for your kind words! About your post: I'm not sure why 'hide' and 'show' is not working. We are gonna think about that. We are sorry about this. I checked that 'closeOnlick' and I see a problem because It's only worked once, If sideNav is re-open by clicking this is not working and is next bug I think. That blacking page I think is a bug, not an intended design. Thank you very much for your post! I just added these problems to our list 'to-do' so we will think more about that bugs as soon as posible! Best, Piotr

Arnt Oddvar Pedersen pro commented 7 years ago

Awesome Piotr. Glad I could bring it to you guys' attention. Glad you guys also managed to fend off the attack you seem to been struggling with for the past week and a half. :)

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 7 years ago

It's not a problem for us! We are here to help you! Yes we had a problem on forum but we try to 'fight' with these ;) If we will do something with sideNav I will let you know! Have a nice day! Best, Piotr

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  • User: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No