Topic: Refresh Material Select with new options based on changes in another field
pro premium priority asked 5 years ago
I need to change the options available in a Material Select dropdown (option data retrieved using an AJAX call - in the snippet a simple for loop) based on a selection made in a different dropdown. I have tried using the code below which is kind of successful with two key issues as outlined below.
A snippet is available at
Actual behavior
Issue 1 - Each time the user changes the first dropdown, without actually selecting any of the options in the second dropdown, the second dropdown is successfully updated with the data from the AJAX call. However, the html in the browser grows the number of material select divs with each new user selection from the first dropdown and if the first dropdown selection is changed a number of times, the browser becomes very slow. The growth in the browser is visible in the console in the snippet
Issue 2 - If the user selects an option in the second dropdown and then changes the first dropdown (which should update the second dropdown based on the AJAX call - in this case the for loop), the second dropdown will not be updated.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
Drawn from the following support ticket:
$('#consumeFrom').materialSelect("destroy"); $("#consumeFrom").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#consumeFrom").materialSelect();
Tomek Makowski
staff answered 5 years ago
First issue will be repaired in next release.
In second issue you just initialize materialSelect in wrong place. Here is the solution
pro premium priority answered 7 months ago
Kamila Pieńkowska
staff answered 7 months ago
If you want to change options available in the select you need to dispose
of existing select and initiate select with new option list.
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- User: Pro
- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB jQuery
- MDB Version: 4.18.0
- Device: PC
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: Windows 10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: Yes